There is a wide range of abilities among lawyers who claim to practice in the area of DUI defense law. If you hire a lawyer who isn't knowledgeable in the area of DUI laws in Colorado, mistakes can be extremely costly for you—financially, emotionally, and even professionally. Make sure to hire a lawyer who is dedicated to helping you resolve your case with the fewest negative consequences possible, not one who is looking for shortcuts that make the process easier for themselves.

Not All DUI Attorneys Are Created Equal
Know Your Rights During a DUI Stop
If suspected of driving under the influence and pulled over, the officer will ask questions in order to gain any evidence they can against you. During a DUI stop, it is one of the few criminal offenses where you do not have the right to speak to an attorney before incriminating yourself so it is important to not help the officer build a case against you.
- Right to silence
- Right to refuse a field sobriety test
- Right to refuse a breath test
- The right to an independent blood test
When facing a sobriety checkpoint, it is within your rights to turn around or avoid it while following traffic laws. Should you violate a traffic law, then you can be legally stopped and questioned by the police.
Understanding Your Charges
There are three primary offenses for driving under the influence in Colorado:
- DUI stands for “driving under the influence” and typically occurs when an individual is operating a vehicle with alcohol in their system.
- DUID stands for “driving under influence of drugs.”
- DWAI stands for “driving while ability impaired” and occurs when a substance had affected you no matter how minimally.
It is important to understand the difference between a DUI, DUID, and DWAI in Colorado and how to protect your rights from each charge.
What to Do After Arrested for DUI
This is a critical period and may determine what the results of your case may be.
- Do not make any statements to the police. Simply hand them your driver’s license and other identification.
- Request a DMV hearing within seven days of taking or refusing a breath test. If a blood test is taken, request a DMV hearing as soon as you are notified by the DMV of a pending license revocation and ask for the officer to be present.
- Contact and retain an experienced Colorado DUI Attorney to review your case and represent you before the first court date or DMV hearing date. The sooner you hire an attorney, the sooner they can begin crafting your defense.
- Do not plead guilty. The DUI attorney you hire will determine if the police and prosecution have what they need to convict you.
Free Case Evaluation

Need Legal Assistance From a Colorado DUI Attorney?
Call Colorado Defense Group at 720.594.7367 or get started with a free case evaluation.
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Contact Us
Denver Office (Main):
1777 S Harrison St. #1050
Denver, CO 80210
Colorado Springs Office:
102 S Tejon St. #510
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Grand Junction Office:
120 W Park Dr. #205
Grand Junction, CO 81505